Blackburn's all inclusive A5 leafleting service. Design, print, distribution.
Leaflets distributed to 10,000 Homes.
Perfect for any size business, including start ups or side businesses.

"When I started my window cleaning business I wanted to leaflet advertise to 10k homes but I needed to have design and distribution done and it was taking up a lot of my budget. I found PrintDis through social media and for a cheaper price, I got what i wanted and didn't have to sacrifice quality at all. PrintDis helped my business grow and I still use it every two to three months." - Mohammed Patel , Blackburn Window Cleaning Service
"When I was a student I needed to make money, I started selling tissue to the general population. knocking door to door didn't help much and many refused me. However, I found leaflet advertising to work. the only problem, I had no time or much money to advertise and someone recommended me PrintDis. its been many months now and I have moved on from that chapter but I saw an increase of 100 customers weekly." - Will Holden, The Tissue Factory

What do we do?
We are a Blackburn leaflet Distribution service. Alot of times companies need flyers for promotion and so it ends up in someones letterbox. There are 3 main components that make up leaflet advertising; design, print & distribution and we do them all.
PrintDis offers an all inclusive service at a very affordable price. We have a skilled design team with years of experience . With an efficient printing process that is reliable, you can also be assured with trustworthy distributors. If you would like a quotation or want to know more information, please head over to our enquiry page.
Who is this for ?
You may be a new business, a small charity, an awareness group, or even have a small side hustle or a trade. Our services are made solely to provide exposure. Alot of the times people do not have the time and resources to do leaflet advertising and so this is where we come into play with our efficient and reliable services that are fixed at reasonable prices.